Reposted following another nondescript minor bug fix update (AGAIN! Zen, when you tell us youve fixed these bugs Ill happily change my review!): Great fun and very challenging! Own all but the two most recent tables. With practice Ive achieved a few records, but not without frustration. Game Center is poorly monitored; those with Hero scores in the top ten are there almost certainly due to either hacked scores (juveniles or underachieving adults no doubt who bizarrely get their kicks by anonymously pretending to be good at something; they probably couldnt break into the top 500 with a legitimate score.) or table glitches. One such glitch is on Spider-Man wherein Ive experienced the three bumpers racking up about 1M points per second...indefinitely!!! (The ball gets stuck bouncing between them courtesy of an unintended programming loop with each bumper ringing up 100k per hit--and its very rapid.) The only way out is to TILT the table. Ive also had the ball disappear on X-MEN. Despite the rare glitch--there are a few others--Id give the game five stars if they would clean up Game Center. The offenders are easy to ID. Most if not all of the top ten have "high scores" on ONE table--almost certainly hacked or glitched! Ive got high scores (#1) on multiple tables yet Im outside the top ten for Hero scores. No doubt Apple is to blame here, too, with inadequate measures to prevent such mischief. Its all about the money; too much bother. Finally, beware of the table nudge settings. I lost what might have been a record on one table due to a TILT. I NEVER nudge and found the table was set to gyroscope and touch. Painful!!! Well ZEN, you kept after me for a review and there you have it!
FreeGame4U about Marvel Pinball